The Problem with UV 400 Treatments

Have you ever had the chance and check a pair of lenses that were treated with a UV solution some three to six month after the were made and handed to the patient? There is a good chance, that you will have a big surprise, your UV Meter ( if the instrument measures at...

Harry A. Saake’s 44 Tips for Dispensing Opticians

1. If you have a high plus lens, stay away from long narrow frames as they will tend to pop out of those frames the easiest since they are long across the top. One must understand that one of the reasons for having trouble keeping lenses in a metal frame is the...

Video: Histology of the Eye

An outstanding overview of the major structures of the eye from the University of Missouri Medical School including: the Cornea, Lens, Ciliary Body, Iris, Ciliary Epithelium, Canal of Schlemm, Neuron Chain, Rods and Cones, Neural retina, and Fovea Centralis.

Extraocular Muscles

Extraocular Muscles The stabilization of eye movement is accomplished by six extraocular muscles attached to the eye via the sclera. The six muscles and their function are: Lateral rectus - moves the eye outward, away from the nose Medial rectus - moves the eye...

Refractive Errors

Refractive errors occur when abnormalities of the eye prevent the proper focus of light on the retina. Emmetropia refers to an eye free of refractive errors. Common Refractive Errors Two common types of refractive errors are myopia and hyperopia. Myopia Myopia, also...